Wednesday, August 12, 2015


 i had a really lovely yoga class today after taking 4 days off from the studio for our Lammas ritual last week and to visit family over the weekend - the week before, i was healing a bit of touch-up work on a tattoo and had to miss a few days for that, as well... so it's been a few days on a few days off so far through August.

now i'm getting back into the swing of things.  it's always a surprise/curiosity how my body will feel coming back to practice... like meeting an old friend you haven't seen for a while and catching up... by the end of that first class returning usually we are back to being besties, my body and me. sometimes it takes a while to reconnect though...

this time coming back was good, not a lot of strength or openness dimished & my breath and mind were very steady and peaceful. tonight was my second class since the break and i am starting to feel that dropping back into the rhythm of daily class... i'm looking forward to a nice long uninterrupted stretch of classes coming up over the next couple of weeks.

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